Attributes and benefits of urban green space visits – Insights from the City of Vancouver

This research explores the relationships between attributes of a green space visit (green space type, duration, activities, company) and 1) health-related benefits (including mental restoration, aesthetic appreciation), and 2) visitor demographics and health status. Exploratory analyses of our online survey show that the type of green space chosen has little relevance for benefits but that what it is used for does. Passive uses of urban green spaces are common across population groups and related to a diversity of benefits. Results showing that longer visits bring more benefits and occur more frequently within populations with higher education and income contentment point to inequities regarding the accessibility of health-related benefits. Lastly, we observe limited nature connectedness amongst respondents, which adds an important consideration to future survey approaches.

Research paper


Johanna L. Bock*
Lorien Nesbitt*
Suzanne Mavoa
Michael J. Meitner

* Urban Natures Lab Team Member

Research Themes

Nature and health

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